Lawn Renovations in the Leavenworth/Lansing area

Services include:
  • Complete lawn renovation/installation
  • Core Aeration
  • Verticutting/Slit seeding

When a lawn becomes thin, damaged, or dies, it is time for a lawn renovation. We offer a full range of lawn renovation services to meet the needs of your unique situation. Determining the cause of the lawn decline is the first step in the lawn renovation process. After the cause has been determined, we can work on a plan to bring your lawn back to the level you desire!!

Note: We may need to apply an herbicide to eliminate the undesirable grasses and weeds from your lawn. This can cause a 2-4 week delay in seeding.

Now is also the perfect time to test the soil and add amendments for a better lawn!

Core Aeration

This helps the soil breath to encourage new root growth in the existing turf plants.  It also greatly helps improve soil drainage by relieving compaction.  We overseed at this time to provide for a “lawn thickening” stand of new grass in the aeration holes. This is one of the best things you can do for your lawn every year to maintain a better root growing environment.

Verticutting/Slit Seeding

In bare areas we use a piece of equipment specifically designed to slice the soil and establish a seedbed. This process allows the seed to make direct contact with the soil so proper germination can occur. We overseed these areas at higher rates to establish new turf.

Complete Lawn Renovations

When a lawn is severely damaged, we aerate, verticut/slit seed the thin areas, overseed and apply a starter fertilizer to encourage the new seedlings to root strong and mature faster.

Gallery of Lawn Renovations

Example of the cores we plug.

Dirt in place! Ready for seed.

driveway turf repair

Total lawn renovation after irrigation installation.

Aerated and seeded to rejuvenate.

Lawn just after a total renovation

Lawn 2 weeks after total renovation

Lawn 4 weeks after a total renovation.

Lawn aerated and seeded.

New grass emerging in one week after the project was finished.

All new grass for a beautiful new lawn.

That’s a whole lot of core plugs!!. The more the better.

Repair work to the lawn and irrigation, from driveway replacement.

Complete renovation.

driveway turf repair before

driveway turf repair after

Close up of new grass growing in the existing turf stand after a core aeration and overseed

Complete renovation, from bare dirt.

Dirt/seed and mulch reparing next to a new driveway.

Brand new grass, thick and full.

Up close look at new grass growing in aeration holes in a bare area. This will fill in completely!

All new grass repaired in fall from bad summer weather.

New grass seed from lawn repair due to driveway replacement.